By: Sherry Blake, Ph.D.
Conflicted About Caregiving 

Q: How do I deal with grieving the loss of my father while I take care of my
ailing mother-in-law? I often find myself being resentful for having to take
care of her.

A: The loss of any parent or loved one can be emotionally devasting. I am sure
that in your case this is even more overwhelming given that you are now
taking care of your mother-in-law while grieving the death of your own father.
This is extremely difficult, and your feelings of resentment are quite
understandable. Caregiving is not an easy role, and it often results in many
common feelings (e.g., anger, resentment, guilt, depression and anxiety). In
caring for others, people often lose their sense of self and ignore their need for
self-care. I personally understand this and wrote about my own journey in my
book Care for the Caregiver: Surviving the Emotional Roller Coaster, which
you may be able to use as a resource.

What I would encourage you to do first … stop, take a deep breath and
acknowledge the need to take care of yourself. Self-care is essential and
allowing yourself to grieve your father’s death must be at the top of your list.
There is a saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup!” Right now, it seems as
if your cup is empty. Refill you cup by taking time to care for yourself. You may
feel like some caregivers who think that they cannot slow down because they
are the only person doing anything or knows what and how to care for their
loved one. If this is the case, you may feel trapped in your role as a caregiver.
You must look for a support system. If there are absolutely no family members
or friends willing to help, seek help through an agency. Check resources in the
community or state agencies that can assist you. Many insurance companies
will cover respite services, which is a temporary service for care. Reaching out
for help is not a sign of weakness! Take a break to grieve and do some
needed self-care. Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity!

Confined and Constrained Because of COVID-19 Fears

Q: I’m usually a confident and outgoing woman. But this
COVID [HS(1]  situation has rocked my world! I do not want to socialize at all,
no one should expect a hug from me, if you’re not wearing a mask, stay over
there (period!). How do I get my life back to where I am comfortable being
outside my home? Am I turning into one of those people that can’t leave their

A: You are not alone. COVID-19 has rocked the world of most people! There
has been a sharp increase in anxiety, depression and many other issues
because of the pandemic. No one could have ever imagined the impact on
multiple levels of our lives. Unfortunately, it is seriously impacting your
socioemotional functioning. It appears that you are experiencing intense
anxiety that is overshadowing all areas of your life. It is understandable
wanting to be safe and follow all precautions in doing so. However, if you are
doing what is necessary to protect yourself, stop and ask yourself, “What is my
greatest fear?” You cannot control other people, but you can control yourself.

Sometimes, it is the fear of the unknown that attributes to anxiety and other
emotional issues. Reduce some of that fear by getting information about
COVID-19 from a trusted health care provider and only reliable news sources.
Given your level of apparent anxiety, I would recommend that you seek
individual therapy from a licensed psychologist or therapist. This will provide
an opportunity to process your feelings and develop appropriate coping skills.
During this time, most would agree to virtual sessions, as well. Hopefully,
processing some of your feelings in a therapeutic session will prevent you
from becoming the person who can’t leave their home. Things are highly
unlikely to return to what used to be considered “normal.” It is time to readjust
and create a new normal for yourself.

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